Google's newly released Chrome browser is fast but (very) lightweight. The first thing I thought of when trying it was if RoboForm will seemingly integrate with it (a RoboForm toolbar like in FireFox for instance). So since there was no mention on their news page of a new version, I wanted to open a support ticket, but that's when I've seen this:
Will RoboForm support the new Google Chrome Browser? When?
We are sorry, but RoboForm cannot integrate with Google Chrome.
Unfortunately, it is not possible due to the browser engine that Google chose, named WebKit.
We will look into possibility of integration.
So, I really hope they'll find a solution. The reason I didn't use Opera is because RoboForm doesn't integrate with it, I would hate to have to do the same thing with Google Chrome. Anyway, I still hope they're still figuring out things, I mean it took a while until they've released the RoboForm for FireFox version.
Update: There is an (inconvenient) workaround on using RoboForm with Google Chrome. If Google Chrome is set as the default browser, and RoboForm's tray icon is enabled, you can right-click the tray and select the passcard you want to fill in. This way that page will be automatically opened in Chrome and the password filled-in (and submitted, depending on your options). However, this won't work with filling forms in Chrome, just with filling passwords. Anyway, as mentioned above it's an inconvenient workaround, so you RoboForm guys from Siber need to really find a solution to have a "RoboForm Chrome" package (and I hope they are working on RoboForm for Mac too, there was a rumor a while back that they were searching for Mac developers, but nothing new yet).
I see someone asked how to make RoboForm not only open the page where the passcard needs filled-in, but also to submit it. So, in order to have "Fill & Submit" as a default option you have to go into RoboForm Options - AutoFill tab and check "Fill & Submit" is the default action for Matching Passcards.
I stand corrected, this workaround does work only to open the desired page in Google Chrome, but it doesn't fill and submit (at least not in this current version).

Update 2: A small prediction I have, Siber Systems will create for sure a solution for Google Chrome because it's going to be too popular to ignore. But, this new integration will probably be available only in RoboForm 7. Why I'm saying this? Well the last major version of RoboForm (6.0) was released exactly 4 years ago, and since then all registered customers had free upgrades. But now they're at 6.9.90 and it seems about time to release version 7 - and what a better incentive to upgrade than a unique integration with Google Chrome. Plus, in this situation Google's to blame too - they've released this Chrome version without sending private betas to some important developers on the browser market first, as other developers do.
Update 3: I've launched a new website,, a discussion forum for RoboForm (an old love) and Google Chrome (the new "mistress"), and I invite anyone willing to vote on a RoboForm for Chrome poll here - - hope it will gather enough buzz to obtain (another) official response on this matter.
I love the way Chrome loads quickly and runs fast, but until RoboForm is incorporated I still have to rely on Firefox and IE7. I still have a few programs that only work with IE such as CoStar for real estate, otherwise I wouldn't use IE.
I agree they need to find a way. I love using the Chrome browser so far, but I refuse to make it my default browser and start using it full-time until some of add-ons I've come to be dependent on can be integrated. RoboForm (a MUST), Google Toolbar (Duh?, why wasn't this functionality default in the browser?)... I guess that's it really, the others I can live without.
I think Google Chrome is going to be very successful, maybe as much or more than Firefox. Ultimately they will have to create a plugin for Roboform if they don't want to lose customers, but it might take a while
I second this request. Roboform is the deciding factor for me when picking a browser (Firefox currently, obviously).
I am with you on this. Chrome really the best browser, and Opera on a close second IMHO. However, I have to stick with IE8 just because I rely heavily on RoboForm. I cannot live without it. So I hope RF coders will be able to find a solution, and fast.
I am totally with you. I purchased a few licenses of Roboform a few years ago and have been totally reliant on it since (over 150 passwords). I would love to test out Opera, Safari on the PC and Google Chrome, but I keep running in to a road-block with banking and other things that require passwords because those browsers don't even offer to save logins for that type of site. Sigh... Hopefully Roboform will create Opera, Chrome and Safari options so we can test it out.
Let's not forget Chrome it's still in beta, so I assume lots of things will change in a couple of months. Since it's open source there will be many plugins, addons, themes and so on created, so maybe something could be done about RoboForm too.
Right now the problem is that Chrome uses webkit, making it really close to what Safari works like, and if we look at the list of browsers not supported by RoboForm, Safari is one of them. However, if Chrome gets to have a share of the market of 20% in 12 months, Siber's developers will do the impossible since it's going to be a marketshare they cannot afford to lose. In the meantime I still use Maxthon2 for my normal web work, and Opera/Chrome for speed surfing (FireFox fits somewhere too, just because Firebug it's not something easily replaceable).
Yes, I agree RoboForm must find a way to support the Chrome browser, and quickly.
Roboform yes please, i don't even remember half of my passwords and chrome is smexy lol
You can do it!!
I came here searching for the very same thing...
Lovin' Chrome + Lovin' Roboform = Don't wanna hafta choose.
Plus - I'm thinkin' *someone* will have to create a competitor. It's gotta be possible to do somehow - even as a desktop icon, ya know?
I second "harris" please do not make us choose. mjt
switching to chrome would be a no-brainer.. EXCEPT for roboform....
ummmm, they said;
"it is not possible due to the browser engine that Google chose"
"we will look into possibility"
so they are saying they will look into the possibility of the impossible. awesome!
I also second this request. Either another password manager appears and I change to it and Chrome, or Roboform integrates to Chrome.
Actually when you launch a Passcard, there must be an option to tell it which browser it must use, since many of us uses several browsers (work, surf).
A browser without RoboForm support simply won't work for me. As much as I am enjoying the speed and interface of Google Chrome, I simply won't use it on a regular basis without RoboForm.
I depend on Roboform so much I keep the portable version on a USB stick on my keychain, in case I'm at a public access computer. And until there is support for Chrome I can't use it.
May I suggest that an enterprising company might step in and build a competing product that would also work with Chrome, Opera and Safari? I suggest Siber Systems get busy before someone else does.
I too depend on Roboform everyday. I believe it is my most regularly used software. So far, I'm very impressed by the speed and abilities of Chrome. Even my banking downloads work with it and that is one of the reasons I stayed with IE. A roboform plugin would be most appreciated even if I had to pay an upgrade fee.
Yeah. Apparently Roboform works in Internet Explorer, so don't waste time with Chrome or Opera. Use IE.
o re chrome/robo combo needed
robo/FF is very neat, chrome would be better for its googleness =)
Peace & love, MP
No surfing without my robo!
For some reason your work around isn't working for me. I'm using roboform 6.9.90 and chrome, but when I use the tray icon to select a passcard, the page opens in chrome, but nothing is filled in. I must have an option configured wrong - any ideas? Thanks!
Good post.
I also need Chrome support quickly in RoboForm. The RoboForm community is screaming for it! They cannot ignore that?!
I've added the details on how to have Fill and Submit as default option, basically you go to RoboForm Options - AutoFill tab and check "Fill & Submit" is the default action for Matching Passcards.
AARG! Roboform is ESSENTIAL. I refuse to permit a browser to maintain my passwords 'cause they won't share them and I MUST make sure whatever password changes I make are available to all. Sorry Google. "Til you get your act together, Chrome remains in the "not installed" category
yup -- need roboform integration.
Chrome seems really fast and elegant, but I agree about Roboform . Also, I made the Fill and Submit option change but the password still is not filled in when the page opens.
@doctor jah
You're right, it works only to open the page but it does not fill and submit. Arghhhh!
Anyway, we'll see what happens in the next update (either for Crome or RoboForm).
Chrome is impressive! Yes Roboforrm has to sort his out; I am sure they will especially that a recent survey showed that Chrome is on 30% of those folks who will switch!
Hey, thanks for the shortcut idea regarding default browsers! Good to know. I sure hope they can find a Webkit workaround and get Chrome and Roboform working. I would hate to move away from Roboform and have used it for years.
I believe Google will ignore Roboform, and come up with their own password manager. That, or they will just buy out Roboform!
plz integrate :/
I'm in the same boat, I will have to go back to firefox for now. I can't stop using chrome I use the usb version and this allows computer swapping for all my passwords. Google let them integrate!
I just downloaded Chrome. Haven't even played with it yet. I use SlimBrowser and RoboForm. I did a search (google of course), that brought me here. The very first thing I checked when opening Chrome was to see if there was compatablilty with RF.
Unless/until RF works with Chrome, I have no intention of even looking at chrome. It'll just sit there until...
As with many of you, I am not using chrome due to roboform plugin not available. I vote for such plugin asap
Just one more vote for RoboForm for Chrome. Also the guy that complained that there was no Google box in Chrome. It's there. Just in a better way. In a brilliant move Google saved adding another search box by using the same place as you put in your web address. So you just type your search into the same place you would put a website address. Chrome then goes out and finds what you are searching for.
Another vote for RoboForm for Chrome. Will not be seriously using Chrome until RoboForm is integrated into the browser.
A free alternative to RoboForm is KeePass. If you turn on Auto-Type, it will fill in your username and password when you press Ctrl+Shift+A. It requires a tiny bit of configuration, but it works on any window, not just browser windows.
No roboform = no chrome :(
agreed. Chrome will not be my default until integration with RF.
Why doesn't Google just buy Roboform and give it away for free. Everyone would use it and the roboform guys who did such an awesome job would get rich and google would absolutley OWN the browser market. it's the #1 feature I care about in a browser.
and if i was google, the very first thing I would do is sunset ie support and the world would become a better place. that fits with do no harm. that's doing the world a favor.
I would keep firefox and mozilla support, however. that's just polite now isn't it.
someone who knows someone at google, please forward my message. they are smart enough to figure this out if someone reads it.
dan mccall
Please, Please, Mr Robo Form You must support Mr Google. Or someone else will come along and wipe you out. You know Google will take over & wipe the floor with Mr Microsoft one day. So I recon its in Robo Form Interest to plug into Google Chrome. Google will have its own OS in time to come, Can’t wait. I thought god was the internet until Google come along.
i would like roboform in chrome too
or at least a form filler
PLEASE READ ************************************
To help get RoboForm in Google Chrome, everyone PLEASE visit
And click the star icon in the upper left corner.
Also, go to the RoboForm website (, make sure you are registered/logged in, then create a new support ticket with the following details:
Subject: Google Chrome
When will RoboForm work with Google Chrome? Is there an estimated release date?
Thank you
- Then send this post/message to as many people as you can to get them to do the same.
Thank you
I love chrome too but I shut t down until I can use robo form I have way too many domains that need it.
PLEASE READ *********************
slight change everyone - Google would like us all to go to this URL and STAR it instead:
Please star the item so that it's in the next release hopefully. Thank you for your time!
Thanks for the good work. I'm not going anywhere without Roboform!
My Memory is just so bad that I just cannot do without Roboform. In fact I don't know whatever I did without it!!
I must have been clicking 'forgot my password' so often it took twice as long to use my computer!!
Could someone help with understanding how to create that system tray icon of Roboform on Google Chrome as shown in the post above? Thx!
"how to create that system tray icon of Roboform on Google Chrome as shown in the post above? Thx!"
actually that's the tray icon of Roboform that you can open by going to Start->Programs->Ai Roboform->Tray icon; however it does not integrate with Chrome (unfortunatelly).
They better come out with one. Google has the money to make their own password manager/form filler plugin if they really want to invest the resources and feel as if they need one in order to increase market share for their browser.
I have tried to fill login info as mentioned above without any luck, website will open in Chrome but username and password field will stay blank. Any suggestion.
I really love Chrome for its speed and "cleanliness," but until it works with Roboform, it will contiue to just sit in my quick-launch bar UNlaunched for days on end, being used only when I want to look at some unusual page or have some reason to use a browser other than IE or Firefox. Both Google & Roboform are the losers, IMHO.
Now that mozilla version 3 has some serious crash problems, I am stuck with internet explorer to use roboform.
Chrome would be very useful. It seems to be coming. So I would have to pay a fee for upgrading? How long do we get free upgrades of roboform for?
@curious i assume if they release roboform 7 there will be an upgrade fee, but if the chrome compatibility will be in a new version (7) or not, i'm not sure - so there's chances it won't be an upgrade fee if the compatibility is added before version 7.
im new in google chrome .. but i come to realize that its best to use firefox as defualt browser ( well as you know firefox includes roboform unlike google chrome), i only use google chrome for using gmail , watching youtube ( cuz i know that youtube is part of google family), if faster that the other browser. but i cant live without roboform, it really2x needs in my job . so i hope google will gonna accept the roboform ASAP!!!!
With all of the time saved in the speed and short-cuts of Google Chrome. It is far beyond lost in manually filling the forms.
Chrome NEEDS a compatible automated form filler!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is now possible! Finally!!
Have you tried this?:
(Look for google chrome)
It surely works for me. Hope it does for you!
Best Regards.
As Daniel said, syncs with Robofrom and works in Chrome. Robofrom rocks.
Thanks! I'll try my roboform now if it will work in Google Chrome browser.
did any one found the solution yet?
I just discovered there's no Roboform for Chrome. Chrome is fast, but by the time you look up and manually fill forms and log ins, Chrome is a real slow poke. Case in point, to leave this comment required me to open up Firefox, then Roboform just to find my username and password. This browser is an absolute waste. What were the designers possibly thinking when they created this?
Too bad but I'm out of here just as soon as I can uninstall.
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