
Roboform for Chrome is here (alpha version)

An alpha build of Roboform for Chrome was publicly released today. Right now it actually works only on Chromium, because Chrome has to fix something in the meantime, however saying Chromium or Chrome is like saying potato instead of potatoe - same thing just that the logo is different.

So if you want to be one of the early birds that tests the alpha build (seems to be stable enough to be called a beta) of Roboform for Chrome (chromium), you can read how you can do that here: Roboform for Chrome (alpha release). Thank you Siber System, been waiting for this for a long time!


Anonymous said...

Still unstable though...getting errors and has to close...also, can't import Recently Added Bookmarks from Chrome into Chromium...still waiting, impatiently...

Unknown said...

Not so fast people. Google Chromium crashes about as often as Letterman seduces interns. Google needs to close platform on Chrome so that Roboform can create plugin which will work. Roboform promises by the end of 4th quarter but the ball is in Google's court.

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