
Robo Form 6.7.9 available

Was in vacation for like a month, so excuse my lack of updates. Anyway, meanwhile Robo Form was updated to version 6.7.9. If you want to donwload the new update, follow these links (direct downloads): Robo Form 6.7.9 | Pass 2 Go 6.7.9

Changes in version 6.7.8:

  • Renamed Pass 2 Go to Robo Form 2 Go, due to a trademark conflict.

  • Fix interaction with Basic Auth dialogs in non-EN Windows.

Changes in version 6.7.9:

  • Speed up Robo Form by turning on more optimizations.

  • Add ability to define argument Prompt for argument entry dialog.

  • Fix AutoFill Without Asking for BasicAuth, many matching passcards case.


Robo Form 6.7.7 released

A new Robo Form update, version 6.7.7. Kind of have that feeling that Robo Form 7 is on its way. Anyway, for those that want to update here are direct links: Robo Form 6.7.7 | Pass 2 Go 6.7.7

Changes in version 6.7.7:

  • Speed up passcard cache operation, especially for slow drives. Can't say I had speed problems with the passcards, but it's sure nice to hear that these operations are now faster. I think those that will feel the effects of this change are the ones having hundreds of passcards. Try clicking the Login button when you have around 500 passcards and you'll see the difference in loading speed.

  • Introduce 1-step SearchCards in addition to 3-step SearchCards. New feature, new improvements to it. Basically the 1-step SearchCards are searches where the query is embedded into the URL. So instead of going to the search engine, entering the word and pressing enter (like the 3-step SearchCards do), this 1-step will automatically show the results.
    Searchcards options

  • Make SearchCard download work in Firefox. Well they now fixed the page where you can download more SearchCards (see the above image for the link) to work in FireFox too.

  • Integrate Adapter installer with Robo Form installer, deprecate Universal Adapter Installer. Last (but not least) change. Before version 6.7.7 you would have had to download separately an Universal Adapter if you wanted to make it work in FireFox too. Now this is not needed as the normal setup for Robo Form contains the adapter for FireFox and other browsers included. You just have to check the option to Install Adapter that allows Robo Form to work in Netscape and Mozilla
    Roboform adapter for FireFox

These are the changes in the new version of Robo Form. Nice update I would say, especially the fact that now you don't have to download 2 setups to have it working on FireFox and IE too.


Robo Form 6.7.6 released

Yes, no 6.7.5 version, but they released 6.7.6 directly. Anyway, if you want to download and install the new version use one of these links: Robo Form 6.7.6 | Pass 2 Go 6.7.6

So what's new in this version? Well, they've added a new feature called SearchCards. Basically, these are passcards for search engines. I'll explain this later.
Changes in Robo Form 6.7.6:

  1. Make AutoSave work in AJAX login pages. Robo Form has an option to AutoSave the login details you enter (or the forms you fill in) when you click the Submit button of that page. However, for Robo Form 6.7.4 or previous, this feature was not working on webpages that used AJAX powered logins. These logins are special since a Submit button is not present, and practically when you enter the username/password the verification is done without moving away from that page (kind of like the Flash logins - that by the way are not supported by Robo Form). If you didn't understand anything just visit this page and type anything in the login demo created there (it's AJAX based).
    ajax login

  2. Implement EXE installer for Pass2Go-U3. U3 is a company that sells a type of USB having a launchpad that gives you access to several applications. You can think of it as an USB toolbox. Robo Form has a special version for the U3 type of USBs too, and now it can be installed using an executable, not a proprietary format as it was before. So they simplified the installation process of this U3 version. More on U3 and Robo Form you can read here.

  3. SearchCards were added to run passcard-based searches. I left this option the last one, as it is the most important one. SearchCards automate not only 1-step searches (where search argument is embedded into URL) but also 3-step searches where navigation to search page, typing query and clicking Submit is required. You can download some custom SearchCards from the official Robo Form website. Note that these work only with the latest version of Robo Form. Thing is that once a search is done, that will be saved as a SearchCard, and for future searches you will only have to click on that SearchCard as you do with the Robo Form logins (passcards).
    robo form searchcards

I'll look more into the new feature added and post eventually a tutorial on how to create those SearchCards plus some good uses.


Norton Password Manager, used to create partitions?

I was making a list of password managers to make a comparison between them (Robo Form included too, normally) and I stopped a little to look at the Norton Password Manager (that I didn't hear much about until now). First thing that striked me was that it's still version 2004 (released somewhere in 2003) but that doesn't stop them from selling it for $39.95. I said ok, maybe it has some nice features. So I clicked for details and I was searching for some screenshots. I've seen one at the end of the features page, as you can see below:

norton password manager screenshot

You don't see anything unusual yet? Well this is the surprise I had when I clicked on the screenshot to enlarge it:

create partition with norton password manager

Yes, this screenshot is similar to the Windows Disk Management tool. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe this is one of the features in Norton Password Manager, to manage disk partitions ;), but I seriously doubt it. Now, could this be only a webmaster mistake? Because if it's not, it raises serious doubts on how they support this product's development.


Robo Form 6.7.4 released

Yep, new version of Robo Form released today. Some improvements for Pass 2 Go too. Anyway here is the release news from their site:

  • Improve protection against keyloggers. For those that don't know, a keylogger is a program that captures the keys you press and stores them. That's not something you would want hidden on your system tray, but if you're at an Internet Cafe it might be wise to be careful. Robo Form seems to help you here by using a mouse based keyboard for master passwords.

  • Cache passcard URLs in file (not in registry) to speed up Pass 2 Go startup. It's good that they don't add information to the registry now with Pass 2 Go.

  • Store Most Recently Used in file, to preserve them between Pass 2 Go invocations.

  • Add option to show tooltip that tells what to enter for Turing passcards. Couldn't find this. Anyway, a turing passcard is called that login where beside entering your username and password you also have to enter a verification number.

  • Make Robo Form work correctly with the latest Yahoo toolbar. No need for comment here, except "why oh why you would use the yahoo toolbar?"

Robo Form 6.7.4

If you want to update to the latest version, use one of these links to do so:
Robo Form 6.7.4 or of Pass 2 Go 6.7.4


Internet Explorer 7 with Robo Form toolbar

I installed today Internet Explorer 7 Beta 2 just to see how Robo Form integrates into it, and I must say that it integrates quite well.

It took a while to get IE7 installed as I kept getting an error like:
Internet Explorer 7 could not be installed. You must restart your system to confirm that any changes to your system are undone. After restarting, follow the "Internet Explorer Troubleshooting" shortcut on your desktop to get more information. Of course that after stopping Windows Defender (the anti-spyware I use) it worked installing it, even without following their registry fix guide.

First look on IE7 beta 2 with Robo Form toolbar installed:

Internet Explorer 7 beta 2 with robo form

Yes, those shinny buttons of IE7 are the first thing you observe. Next the useful multi-tabbed option. Last but not least you can see the way Robo Form toolbar integrates with IE7's design. If you hover on a button you can also see the explanation in the lower bar of IE7. Nice and also working well (referring to stability).

Of course that being a beta version there is still a lot of work to do. First of all, IE7 went to about 41Mb of memory usage with only 2 tabs opened, while Maxthon with 3 tabs was only at 12Mb of memory.

memory hole Internet Explorer 7

Ok, that being said I think IE7 will be recovering very fast the ground lost due to FireFox. If they fix those memory leaks they might even get me to stop using Maxthon and switch to IE7, who knows. Anyway, I'll end up saying that I also like a particular feature called Quick Tabs, where you see a preview of all the tabs opened (might be good if the pages would be functional in the preview window).

quick tabs in ie7

I tested this using Robo Form 6.7.3 (latest version) don't know if previous versions work as well as this one. If you want to update to the latest version, use one of these links to do so: Robo Form 6.7.3 or of Pass 2 Go 6.7.3


Robo Form System Error

Yes, no hero is perfect. Before updating to Robo Form 6.7.3, I've had a first Access Violation. Of course it didn't affect anything, I only had to restart Maxthon and Robo Form started to work again.
How did the error look like? Well there's a screenshot below, where you can read the report:
"This is an internal error report. Please click Yes and it will be sent to RoboForm server. No personal information wil be sent, only the technical data to help us fix this bug. If auto send fails, email file _rf.log from your temporary folder to ask (at) roboform.com. You can see where your temp folder is by typing %TEMP% into Address bar of IE browser."
So just like Microsoft, it asks you if you want to send an error report to roboform.com, with details about the error. Good thinking from them, as it doesn't require more effort from your side.

roboform error

Now, it's interesting what dlls are reported in there as affected. The problem I think it's because of the theme that Robo Form loads and uses to integrate in the browser. Because one of the dlls affected is uxtheme.dll. Among others, uxtheme.dll is the file used by Windows XP to manage the windows styles. When you first install Windows, it comes with a few predefined themes, and Microsoft locked their UXTheme.dll to prevent you from adding additional themes. That's why I think Robo Form cracked this time, as somehow they got around the uxtheme.dll and Windows didn't like that.

Ok, enough speculation for now. Found an error, submitted a report, restarted the browser and everything went back to normal. I still recommend Robo Form as it's the best password manager out there, and if you don't have it installed you should do so by using one of these links: Robo Form 6.7.3 | Pass 2 Go 6.7.3 (it's the portable version of Robo Form, that you can install on a USB drive)


Robo Form 6.7.3 released

Yap, new version released. Robo Form 6.7.3 changes:

  • Mouse-based keyboard for entering Master Password to fight keyloggers. Now this seems strange to me, as I've just installed Robo Form and when going to the Security tab the same old window for entering the Master Password is shown - and typing using the normal keyboard works. In my opinion there should have been an image-based keyboard that would allow you to click on the desired letter/digit. Maybe it's something in the technology used, so that they trick keyloggers.

  • Improve integration with Windows Vista. This doesn't need additional description, if you have the latest Windows Vista Beta 2 installed, you have better usage of Robo Form.

  • Aff Suffix to Name in form filler. Again something that I only guess what it does. Thing is this, if you're affiliate for Robo Form (like I am) you can have your customized links, that look something like "www.roboform.com/?affid=spuby. The aff sufix is spuby in this case. I think that when someone installs Robo Form from an affiliate link, the first window that appears has in the Name section the affiliate id suffix.

If you want to update to the latest version, use one of these links to do so:
Robo Form 6.7.3 or of Pass 2 Go 6.7.3


Robo Form 6.7.1 and 6.7.2

Yes, I know, these updates have been released more than two weeks ago and I'm posting just now. I was lazy, what can I say. Robo Form 6.7.2 is the latest version and it added only some changes for the Pass2Go (portable Robo Form), more specifically: "Add more options to Portable.ini file to better control Pass2Go startup". Note that the Pass2Go program is designed to be installed and use on an USB drive (you can install it onto a fixed drive too, but that wouldn't help you in any way, if you don't want to have it on an USB just stick with Robo Form).

Robo Form 6.7.1 brought some changes too:

  • Fixed phone and social security number format in Australian identity. Actually in the Australian identity they changed only the Phone format, as the Australians don't have SSNs ;). The Social Security Number format change was done in the US identity. Here is a small screen on the phone format change (sort of before/after):
    Australian identity changes

  • Clone Instance and Copy/Paste Instance commands in Identitiy Editor. Yes, these options are now available for identities too. You can right-click an identity and using the Clone function you can add an exact copy (except that its name would be different to avoid overwriting).
    Robo Form identity editor changes

  • Improve import of Contacts from Outlook. Now I've tested the import from Outlook option before version 6.7.1 and also after it, but there are no changes in the process so I assume they improved the speed of the conversion.

Now, if you want to update to the latest version, use one of these links to do so:
Robo Form 6.7.2 or of Pass 2 Go 6.7.2


Robo Form + Maxthon = Web Productivity

If you're using the Internet for more than verifying your email, then you need first of all a good browser. More than that, if you're using other services that require you to login, then you need some help in remembering the passwords too. I use a great combination, Maxthon with Robo Form, to help me with my daily Internet tasks. Of course that Robo Form works with many other browsers, but I like Maxthon better. I've tested Robo Form in combination with FireFox, Avant browser and Internet Explorer 6 too, but there are some features in Maxthon that place it above the others. These are few of them (note that some of these features are present in the other mentioned browsers):

  • First of all there is the tabbed browsing. You can have multiple pages opened in the same window, but under different tabs. This is a feature in FireFox too, but in Maxthon the difference is that when you double-click on the browsing bar, a new tab opens.
    Maxthon tabbed browsing

  • Super drag-and-drop feature. This is really a killer one. You can select a word, then drag it with the mouse and drop it somewhere else in the page (doesn't matter where) as a new page will open and that word will be searched on the default search engine. Or you can drag and drop a link in the same page, and it will be opened in a new tab. This is really cool and trust me that is the kind of feature that you cannot live without once you've used to it. Also, while dragging a word or link, you can hold the Ctrl button to save that in a file.
    Super drag and drop in Maxthon

  • You can type a word in the Address bar and when you press enter the default search engine will open and show you the results for your typed word.
    Search word in address bar

  • Of course that it supports the Robo Form plug-in, and that the Robo Form toolbar integrates in Maxthon perfectly.
    Robo Form Toolbar

Now these are only a few features of Maxthon, you can read the whole list here: Maxthon Feature Tour I've mentioned only the ones that I use most.

Regarding Robo Form, I've covered the list of must-have features in a previous post: Robo Form Tips and Tricks

Now you don't have to take my word for this. Just install Maxthon and Robo Form and see for yourself if you like the features that I mentioned.

Download Robo Form from here: Robo Form 6.7.0
Download Maxthon from here: Maxthon 1.5.3


Robo Form 6.7.0 with FireFox improvements

Robo Form 6.7.0 was released today. Seems that this update contains improvements for those that use the FireFox browser only. You can download it here: Robo Form 6.7.0
If you're using Pass 2 Go, you can get the latest release here: Pass 2 Go 6.7.0
Here is what's changed in this version:

  1. In version 6.6.9 they've included a highlight button when using the search function, now this button also appears in the toolbar in FireFox. Pressing it the first time highlights the search term on the page, pressing it the second time removes the highlight (duhh). Note that all the changes in this update require that you also install the Robo Form Adapter 6.6.8 for FireFox.
    highlight button in Firefox for Robo Form

  2. The Robo Form toolbar in Firefox integrates better in the browser. If you've used FireFox in conjunction with Robo Form in the past, you've seen that sometimes the Robo Form toolbar loaded with a delay. Now that's not happening. Plus that the toolbar now seems perfectly attached to FireFox.
    Robo Form toolbar in FireFox

  3. The last change refers to the toolbar too. Now when you change the theme of FireFox, the color of the Robo Form toolbar also changes. This is nice, just look how it looks using the Noia theme for FireFox:
    Theme color change for Robo Form toolbar in FireFox

This is all I've spotted in this update. Don't forget to give Robo Form 6.7.0 a try if you didn't do so yet.


Robo Form 6.6.9 is out with highlighting and multiple selection

Robo Form 6.6.9 was released, you can download it directly from here (direct download, about 2MB): Robo Form 6.6.9. If you're using Pass 2 Go, you can get the latest release here: Pass 2 Go 6.6.9.

So what big news are for this release? Not too many, but nice ones (especially that multiple selection):

  1. Robo Form has now a Highlight button on the toolbar, that lets you highlight search words on the results page. Pressing it the first time highlights them, pressing it the second time removes the highlight

    Robo form highlight toolbar button

  2. You can select multiple Passcards, Identities or Safenotes and email them all (until now you could only email one at a time). The method is simple, you can select multiple ones by holding the Ctrl key pressed, and select them with a mouse click.

    Multiple safenotes selection and email in Robo Form

  3. You can select multiple Passcards, Identities or Safenotes and Print them all (until now you could only print one at a time or the entire list).

    Multiple safenotes selection and print in Robo Form

  4. You can select multiple Passcards/Bookmarks and open all the pages in your browser using the Go To function. Note that this will not fill and submit, only open those pages.

    Multiple pages opened with Robo Form Goto

Don't forget to give Robo Form 6.6.9 a try if you didn't do so yet.


Robo Form 6.6.8 released

Robo Form 6.6.8 was released, but it does not contain lots of changes, only some bug fixes as their news states: Fix problems in IE7 beta 2 + Pass2Go.

I didn't know about this problem since I don't use IE7 (yet), but I'm sure that this is helpful for those that do. Interesting to note is that Robo Form 6.6.8 was released on March 31 and IE7 beta 2 was released on March 20. Every app has its bugs, but they're fixing them fast. This is good, one more reason to love Robo Form.

Of course they don't do this for free, and interesting is the fact that their search function returns results from engines like Yahoo, Google, MSN and other big players.
robo form search option
This business model is common among browsers, as they have partnerships with search engines to receive a portion of the cost-per-click. Is the same thing with Robo Form? I'll let you decide.

Download the latest version here (approx. 2MB): Robo Form 6.6.8
Download latest version from here: Pass 2 Go 6.6.8


Robo Form 6.6.7 and auto update tip

Robo Form 6.6.7 is the latest version, but it does not contain lots of changes, only Add option to clear Search History on Logoff (of course it might contain bug fixes and also some protection against Robo Form crack - that AI.Roboform.v6.6.6-TE it's a problem).

Robo Form clear search history screenshot

By default Robo Form will pop-up a window when a new version is detected, if the Notify about new versions option is checked.

Update robo form automatically

Worried about what is transmitted when Robo Form checks for a new version? Well according to their license agreement this is what they do (I've bolded the important part):
RoboForm checks Siber Systems server www.siber.com for its new version and security patches approximately once a day.
If it finds a version that is newer than the version that you have, RoboForm will offer you to upgrade.
The checking of new version results in technical data such as operating system and browser version and Registration Data to be transmitted to Siber server and stored on this server.
Customer hereby allows such transmissions to occur.

Registration Data is defined as Customer name, e-mail address and person/company who referred Customer (referrer) that Customer enters into the Registration Dialogue that appears when Customer runs RoboForm for the first time.

If you don't like this, you can disable the auto-update option and check for a new version manually. You can click on the button from the Version window (in the screenshot above) and on the web page that opens a JavaScript will "tell" Robo Form which is the latest version. It will prompt you with an window to download the latest version:

Robo Form version check

If you are unable to open that page:
- download the latest version of Robo Form 6.6.7 or of Pass 2 Go 6.6.7
- close your browser that has the Robo Form toolbar activated (if not the installer will prompt you to do so)
- install it over the old version, you do not have to uninstall old version first


Robo Form 6.6.6 released

Robo Form 6.6.6 is the latest version of the well known freeware web form filler and password manager.

Robo Form 6.6.6

Main changes in this version:

  • Lower toolbar has chevron now, new chevron implementation. So what is a chevron? According to the definition is a shape of a mark, much like >>. I've made a screenshot with differences between the old lower toolbar (displayed first on the image) and the new lower toolbar (displayed at the bottom). Main differences are the arrows on the right but also the Search box is changed.

    Robo Form toolbar new chevron

  • Pass2go Loading Splash screen can be minimized now.

  • Do not show Lower toolbar in Full Screen (F11) mode.

  • Default action for Passcard file can be changed to Login.

    Default Robo Form is Login

Download the latest version here (approx. 2MB): Robo Form 6.6.6

Pass 2 Go is a Portable version of Robo Form that works directly from USB key, without a need to install it on computer. It gives users ultimate in portability, security and ease of use.
Download latest version from here: Pass 2 Go 6.6.6


Old versions of Robo Form

The latest version of Robo Form is 6.6.5. It's a stable release and there should not be any problems in using it.

this is Robo Form, your password manager robot

However, this is one email I received today, from someone that wanted to know if he can revert to version 6.6.4 of Pass2Go (also known as Robo Form Portable):

"Do you have pass2go version 6.6.4? My info is not accessible through 6.6.5. If so could you send it to me."

What I figure it might have happened is that the data somehow got corrupted when switching to version 6.6.5. Anyway, I don't have Pass2Go 6.6.4 and I didn't find it on other websites, but on the main Robo Form website there are some older versions posted:

AiRoboForm 6.4.0
AiRoboForm Portable 6.4.0
AiRoboForm 6.1.9
AiRoboForm Portable 6.1.9
AiRoboForm 5.7.6

Now if you are installing Robo Form or Pass2Go for the first time, you should install the latest version: Robo Form 6.6.5 or Pass2Go 6.6.5 (direct link to setup)

I recommend the latest versions, because between the older version 6.4.0 and version 6.6.5 there are a lot of updates included (see list below):

Robo Form versions 6.6.0 to 6.6.5
* 6.6.5: Add option "Clear Generated Passwords on Logoff".
* 6.6.4: Change Login/GoFill Opens Site option to better reflect available browser choices.
* 6.6.3: Add option to block ALT+click and SHIFT+enter as combinations that force AutoSave.
* 6.6.0: By default create Robo Form data folder in "My Documents\My RoboForm Data".
* 6.6.0: Add option to install for All Windows Users.
* 6.6.0: Add customization for Matching Passcards button width.
* 6.6.0: Rename Robo Form Users to Profiles to distinguish them from Windows Users.

Robo Form versions 6.5.0 to 6.5.9
* Add search of contents of Passcards, Identities and Safenotes.
* Add encryption algorithms: AES, BlowFish, RC6.
* Dual password for passcard: 1st part allows Login only, 1st+2nd part allow full access.
* Add import of Internet Explorer passwords stored in AutoComplete.
* Add icons to Robo Form main menu.
* Show summary of the entire Identity in Summary tab of Identity Editor.
* Show tab instances in the left tree navigator in Identity.
* Add scroller and context menu to passcards in Matching Passcards mini-dialog.
* Build passcard cache at install time, not on first use.
* Revise AutoSave dialog to improve its usability.
* Revise AutoFill dialog to improve its usability.
* Better splash screen and optimized startup for Portable Robo Form.
* Redesign Portable Robo Form installer.
* Improve attachment and detachment of Portable RoboForm to browsers.
* Add support for U3 platform used on USB keys.
* Add Toolbar tab to Options dialog and put all toolbar options there.
* In Firefox toolbar do not show Close button.
* Increase max Most Recently Used limit from 9 to 26.
* Add arguments to Search strings, to allow for more complex searches.
* Add more searches to Search box: Google Site Search, Weather by Zip,
Stocks by Ticker, Reverse White Pages, Who Is, SEC Filings.
* Add decrypting AES to Robo Form for Palm.
* Add decrypting AES, BlowFish, RC6 to Robo Form for Pocket PC.


Robo Form Tips and Tricks

If you're a Robo Form user then you already know its value and spare a lot of time by filling forms and logins automatically. But there are some options that allow you to get the best out of Robo Form, and it would be pitty not to use them.
Here are several tips on using Robo Form, that helped me improve its usability:

  1. Keyboard shortcuts. If you don't use them yet, you should start to do so. Of course you don't need all of them, but some turn out to be very useful for me, like: Fill & Submit (shortcut Alt+Z, it will fill the login details automatically and submit them), Save Forms (shortcut Alt+[, if you're filling a form/login for the first time you can use this shortcut to save the details if Robo Form doesn't ask you to do that) and My Identity (shortcut Alt + 1-9, which will fill the current form with the details saved in the identity that you choose).
    Robo Form keyboard shortcuts

  2. Set as Default option. It happens usually that for the same site you have several logins, for instance for Yahoo you have 4 email accounts and you saved the logins for them all, but you use one of them more often. In this case you can set that passcard to be the default one, so when you'll click on the matching passcards tab that login will be entered automatically. To set one passcard as default, visit the website that you have several entries for (Yahoo as an example), wait until the matching passcards appear, hover with the mouse, right click the one you want to save as default and select that option, just like you see in the image below. From now on whenever you'll click on that matching passcards button the default login will be entered.
    Set as default in Robo Form

  3. Passcard shortcut to desktop. If you have several passcards that you use more often you can create a shortcut for each of them on your desktop. However having to many it's not recommended, but 2-3 shorcuts to your desktop are useful. To create a shortcut just right click a passcard and select Add Shortcut To->Desktop (if you have enough space you can add it to the quick launch too).
    Passcard desktop shortcuts
    Once the shorcut is saved on your desktop, you can simply double click it and it will open the webpage, fill in the logins and submit it, so it acts like a bookmark too.
    Saved roboform desktop shortcut
    One more thing there would be the feature that I marked in the previous image, Fill Empty fields only. This is particullary useful when you're using a browser such as FireFox that saves too the information you fill in. Thus, there's no need to click on the Robo Form to fill a field that's already been filled.

  4. Fill and Submit as default action. A normal login page will have a Username (email address) field, a Password field and a Submit button. By default when you'll click on the matching passcard in Robo Form it will only fill your details in, and you will have to click on Submit. There is however an option in Robo Form that once enabled it will fill in and "click" on the Submit button.
    Fill and submit automatically

  5. Autofill web forms. By default when you'll get to a new web form Robo Form will not prompt any window to fill in anything. There is an option that you can check to have Robo Form prompt a window to fill in details from your identities and/or passcards to a new web form. This is useful with forms that are similar (like forum registrations, sweepstakes forms).
    Offer to autofill web forms

  6. Recently used passcards/safenotes. I have many passcards and safenotes, and usually in a day I'll use at most 8-10 logins (at home). So those are saved in a recently used list that you can easily access if you press the Logins/Safenotes button in the Robo Form toolbar. Instead of going through all the logins alphabetically you can just use the entry from the recently used list.
    Recently used passcards/safenotes

  7. Robo Form on USB. Pass-2-Go is the portable version of Robo Form. It acts just like RoboForm does, but you install it on a USB drive and use it from there. It lets you use someone else's PC and not have to remember your passwords because everything stays on the USB drive, so there's never a risk of anyone on the host PC seeing them, plus that if you lose the USB drive everything is encrypted and nobody will be able to read the data without the proper password. Plus that if you don't have a USB drive you can order one from Robo Form too.

  8. Always on top. Don't blush yet, this is an option in Robo Form. I love Opera, but one of the things that I miss in it is the fact that I cannot use Robo Form, and let's face it that the Wand option in Opera is not very good. This is why I came up with a compromise, to use a Passcard editor window allways on top of all other windows when browsing with Opera. I can simply copy the username/password by clicking on the small icon in front of each field stored in Robo Form, and paste it in the Opera fields. It's annoying sometimes but you get used to it.
    Roboform used in Opera

These are the tips that I could think for now. If you have others, send them in to spuby2000@gmail.com

Download the latest version here (approx. 2MB): Robo Form 6.6.5
Download portable version of Robo Form from here: Pass 2 Go 6.6.5


Robo Form Adapter for FireFox

Robo Form works with many browsers, and installing the Robo Form toolbar in those browsers resumes to installing a simple executable file. This tutorial focuses on the installation of the Robo Form adapter in FireFox, but for other browsers the principle is the same.

First of all, you need to download a file called Universal Adapter Installer. After the download finishes, run the Robo Form adapter setup by double clicking on it. A wizard will start guiding you through the installation process.

Robo Form Firefox adapter

If the setup detects the FireFox version that you have installed, it will be displayed in the These supported browsers are auto-detected on your computer field, as you can see in the image above (FireFox 1.5 was detected). If no browsers are detected, but you know exactly what you have installed, you can check the Manual Adapter Setup option.
A confirmation window will appear saying that you need to know exactly what browser you have installed otherwise the Robo Form toolbar will not work correctly.

Robo Form Adapter for FireFox

After you click Yes on the confirmation window, another one will appear and you will be able to select from a drop down box the browser that you are installing Robo Form for. This setup can be used for uninstallation of the Robo Form adapter, the difference being that in this step you would have to select the Uninstall button. However, to continue with the installation, select as action Install and then click Ok.

Robo Form adapter manual installation

After this step the actual installation will start. If you have FireFox opened, it will prompt you to install roboform-firefox-1.5.xpi. This is a FireFox extension that the Robo Form adapter setup copied in the temporary folder and executed. When the Install button is not greyed out (takes about 4 seconds) click it to complete the installation of the Robo Form extension.

Robo Form XPI

Meantime, the Robo Form adapter setup wizard is not closed, it pops up a window telling you what to do, complete the installation in browsers, close the browsers and click the Ok button of that window.

Robo adapter

After you clicked the Ok button in the last message from the adapter setup, open FireFox. If everything went well you will be able to see the Robo Form toolbar at the top of the browser.

FireFox Robo Form

And this is it. You have successfully installed the Robo Form toolbar in FireFox.

There is another way for doing this installation. You can open FireFox, click on Tools->Extensions and then on Get More Extensions. This will open a webpage where you can find lots of FireFox extensions. Do a search for Robo Form and you should be able to find the appropriate extension. Scroll down the page until you see the Install Now button and click on it.

Install Robo Form

After you click on that, a progress window will show you how the extension is being downloaded.

Download Robo Form extension

After that is finished, you will be able to install the extension and that's it. Restart FireFox to have the Robo Form toolbar displayed.

Download the latest version here (approx. 2MB): Robo Form 6.6.5
Download portable version of Robo Form from here: Pass 2 Go 6.6.5
Download FireFox: Fire Fox


RoboForm discount code

A $10 discount code is available for ordering Robo Form Pro or other products from Siber System. The discount is valid only if your income for 2005 was less than $20,000 (so for instance if you had a monthly income of up to $1,666 you will qualify for the discount). When you are completing the purchase order with this discount code, you certify the fact that your declaration is valid and if you will be asked to send papers to demonstrate this you are obligated to.

This is a step by step process to order Robo Form Pro with a discount code (you can order other products too and still get the $10 discount from the total amount).
First go to the Robo Form buy now page.

Robo Form order page

Automatically 1 license of Robo Form Pro will be added to your shopping cart. Do not click on Continue yet. Go to the Discount Code (optional) field that's at the bottom of the ordering page and enter the discount code SNC just like you see on the image above. The price now it's still $29.95, but if you click on the Update button you should see the price dropping to $19.95.

Robo Form Discount

The discount of $10 should be now displayed as -10.00. After you see that, click on Continue to go to the next step.

Pay Robo Form Pro

Here you can select a payment method (credit card, paypal transfer, check) and review your order (see again if the $10.00 is displayed). After that click on Checkout to enter your payment details and complete the order.

Checkout Robo form

This final step completes when you enter the correct details and click on Submit.
If you want to test Robo Form before you buy it download it here: Robo Form 6.6.5
It also has a portable solution: Pass 2 Go 6.6.5

I've found 2 more Robo Form coupon codes. One gives a discount of $3 and the other a discount for $10 (for this one you don't need to prove that you have a low income).

For $3 off, use the coupon code CORTS and when you click on Update you should see the following text: SW User Group Conference discount is applied: -3.00
RoboForm coupon code

To get $10 off, use the coupon code INP and when you click on Update make sure the following text is displayed: InfoPackets discount is applied: -10.00
Roboform discount code
[Update] There's a new roboform coupon code as mentioned in the comments, if you use NVER1 you will get 20% off - good to hear about this new roboform discount
[Update] Other Robo Form discount codes:
GOOG1 - 20% discount off your Roboform purchase (via Google advertising)
STRV4 - 20% discount off your Roboform purchase
XMAS1 - 20% discount off your Roboform purchase
SDGCS - 20% discount off GoodSync Professional orders
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RoboForm: Learn more...