
Norton Password Manager, used to create partitions?

I was making a list of password managers to make a comparison between them (Robo Form included too, normally) and I stopped a little to look at the Norton Password Manager (that I didn't hear much about until now). First thing that striked me was that it's still version 2004 (released somewhere in 2003) but that doesn't stop them from selling it for $39.95. I said ok, maybe it has some nice features. So I clicked for details and I was searching for some screenshots. I've seen one at the end of the features page, as you can see below:

norton password manager screenshot

You don't see anything unusual yet? Well this is the surprise I had when I clicked on the screenshot to enlarge it:

create partition with norton password manager

Yes, this screenshot is similar to the Windows Disk Management tool. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe this is one of the features in Norton Password Manager, to manage disk partitions ;), but I seriously doubt it. Now, could this be only a webmaster mistake? Because if it's not, it raises serious doubts on how they support this product's development.


Anonymous said...

So which password manager do you recommend? Thanks!

Claude said...

Well I got into using RoboForm and I cannot give it up now. So I recommend it. Plus, it integrates too well into browsers compared to other password managers.

Anonymous said...

There is a function that Roboform or other Password Managers on the market do not have but Norton Password Manager provides. It is the ability to fill normal MS Windows Screens. For example, if I open a Windows program that is requesting for me to fill a username or password, Norton Password Manager will fill it automatically. This is very usefull.



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