By default Robo Form will pop-up a window when a new version is detected, if the Notify about new versions option is checked.

Worried about what is transmitted when Robo Form checks for a new version? Well according to their license agreement this is what they do (I've bolded the important part):
RoboForm checks Siber Systems server www.siber.com for its new version and security patches approximately once a day.
If it finds a version that is newer than the version that you have, RoboForm will offer you to upgrade.
The checking of new version results in technical data such as operating system and browser version and Registration Data to be transmitted to Siber server and stored on this server.
Customer hereby allows such transmissions to occur.
Registration Data is defined as Customer name, e-mail address and person/company who referred Customer (referrer) that Customer enters into the Registration Dialogue that appears when Customer runs RoboForm for the first time.
If you don't like this, you can disable the auto-update option and check for a new version manually. You can click on the button from the Version window (in the screenshot above) and on the web page that opens a JavaScript will "tell" Robo Form which is the latest version. It will prompt you with an window to download the latest version:

If you are unable to open that page:
- download the latest version of Robo Form 6.6.7 or of Pass 2 Go 6.6.7
- close your browser that has the Robo Form toolbar activated (if not the installer will prompt you to do so)
- install it over the old version, you do not have to uninstall old version first