
Robo Form + Maxthon = Web Productivity

If you're using the Internet for more than verifying your email, then you need first of all a good browser. More than that, if you're using other services that require you to login, then you need some help in remembering the passwords too. I use a great combination, Maxthon with Robo Form, to help me with my daily Internet tasks. Of course that Robo Form works with many other browsers, but I like Maxthon better. I've tested Robo Form in combination with FireFox, Avant browser and Internet Explorer 6 too, but there are some features in Maxthon that place it above the others. These are few of them (note that some of these features are present in the other mentioned browsers):

  • First of all there is the tabbed browsing. You can have multiple pages opened in the same window, but under different tabs. This is a feature in FireFox too, but in Maxthon the difference is that when you double-click on the browsing bar, a new tab opens.
    Maxthon tabbed browsing

  • Super drag-and-drop feature. This is really a killer one. You can select a word, then drag it with the mouse and drop it somewhere else in the page (doesn't matter where) as a new page will open and that word will be searched on the default search engine. Or you can drag and drop a link in the same page, and it will be opened in a new tab. This is really cool and trust me that is the kind of feature that you cannot live without once you've used to it. Also, while dragging a word or link, you can hold the Ctrl button to save that in a file.
    Super drag and drop in Maxthon

  • You can type a word in the Address bar and when you press enter the default search engine will open and show you the results for your typed word.
    Search word in address bar

  • Of course that it supports the Robo Form plug-in, and that the Robo Form toolbar integrates in Maxthon perfectly.
    Robo Form Toolbar

Now these are only a few features of Maxthon, you can read the whole list here: Maxthon Feature Tour I've mentioned only the ones that I use most.

Regarding Robo Form, I've covered the list of must-have features in a previous post: Robo Form Tips and Tricks

Now you don't have to take my word for this. Just install Maxthon and Robo Form and see for yourself if you like the features that I mentioned.

Download Robo Form from here: Robo Form 6.7.0
Download Maxthon from here: Maxthon 1.5.3
RoboForm: Learn more...
RoboForm: Learn more...