Changes in version 6.7.7:
- Speed up passcard cache operation, especially for slow drives. Can't say I had speed problems with the passcards, but it's sure nice to hear that these operations are now faster. I think those that will feel the effects of this change are the ones having hundreds of passcards. Try clicking the Login button when you have around 500 passcards and you'll see the difference in loading speed.
- Introduce 1-step SearchCards in addition to 3-step SearchCards. New feature, new improvements to it. Basically the 1-step SearchCards are searches where the query is embedded into the URL. So instead of going to the search engine, entering the word and pressing enter (like the 3-step SearchCards do), this 1-step will automatically show the results.
- Make SearchCard download work in Firefox. Well they now fixed the page where you can download more SearchCards (see the above image for the link) to work in FireFox too.
- Integrate Adapter installer with Robo Form installer, deprecate Universal Adapter Installer. Last (but not least) change. Before version 6.7.7 you would have had to download separately an Universal Adapter if you wanted to make it work in FireFox too. Now this is not needed as the normal setup for Robo Form contains the adapter for FireFox and other browsers included. You just have to check the option to Install Adapter that allows Robo Form to work in Netscape and Mozilla
These are the changes in the new version of Robo Form. Nice update I would say, especially the fact that now you don't have to download 2 setups to have it working on FireFox and IE too.